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Mum died after being found unconscious under coat in 7-hour A&E wait | UK News

The woman was waiting in A&E at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham when she fell unconscious (Picture: PA)

A mum-of-two was found unconscious under a coat and later died after waiting seven hours in A&E.

The 39-year-old had arrived at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham late on January 19 complaining of a severe headache.

She was triaged and seen by nurses on three occasions but when a doctor became available and her name was finally called in the waiting area, no one responded.

Staff initially assumed the woman had left because of the long wait, but she was then found unresponsive on a chair, under her coat.

She was rushed to intensive care and died three days later, on January 22, reports LBC.

The woman had suffered a haemorrhage, it was discovered.

Nottingham University Hospitals Trust (NUH), which runs Queen’s Medical Centre, has since launched an investigation into the matter.

Embargoed to 0001 Friday September 1 A view of Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham following the independent review into care failings at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Picture date: Wednesday August 30, 2023. PA Photo. See PA story HEALTH Nottingham. Photo credit should read: Callum Parke/PA Wire

Nottingham University Hospitals Trust (NUH), which runs Queen’s Medical Centre, is investigating the mum’s death (Picture: PA)

A source with knowledge of the hospital told LBC there can be as many as 80 people waiting in the hospital’s A&E, with wait times as long as 14 hours at times.

Dr Keith Girling, medical director at NUH offered the family his condolences and added: ‘An investigation, which will involve the family, will now take place and until this has been concluded, we are unable to comment further.’

NHS figures released on Thursday revealed the number of people waiting in A&E for more than 12 hours in England rose by almost 25% compared to January 2023.

Last year The Royal College of Emergency Medicine called it a ‘matter of national shame’ that almost 400,000 patients spent 24 hours or more in A&E in England in 2022.

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