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Mum issues measles warning after baby nearly died from disease | Health News News

Sophie’s little boy luckily recovered from the horror infection (Picture: SWNS)

A mum’s unvaccinated baby nearly died of measles after she considered not giving him the MMR jab due to reading false information on TikTok.

Sophie Dale, 27, revealed she was ‘nervous’ to vaccinate son Levi because of posts on TikTok and Facebook wrongly linking the measles vaccination to debunked autism risks.

Luckily she pushed her fears aside and book him in for his first MMR jab – but the 11-month-old caught measles just days before his appointment.

He had several seizures and spent six days in hospital fighting for his life after it caused a severe case of sepsis.

Levi survived – and five years on is an ‘insanely clever little ball of energy’, as well as being a great big brother to sister Winnie, one.

But measles cases are rising in the UK due to lower uptake of the MMR vaccine, according to World Health Organization (WHO).

Levi Dale is treated for measles aged 11 months - he contracted the disease one month before he was due to be vaccinated. See SWNS story SWBRvaccine. Experts are warning the UK could be facing a ?vaccination timebomb? as more young parents turn to anti-vaccination sites online. Research revealed half of parents ? including 59 per cent of those under 25 - feel the so-called ?anti-vaxx? movement is becoming more influential. A significant 83 per cent of young mums and dads with children aged five and under ? the age when most vaccines are administered ? admit reading anti-jab scare stories, compared to 65 per cent of parents overall. Currently, just over half of parents carry out their own research before deciding whether to vaccinate their child, the study for UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and parenting site ChannelMum.com found. Mum Sophie Dale is campaigning for parents to give their children the MMR jab after her son Levi almost died from measles aged just 11 months. Although initially unsure about vaccinating, she decided to inoculate the tot after carrying out her own research.

Levi was just 11 months old when he caught measles (Picture: SWNS)

Sophie Dale with her son Levi who was nearly killed by measles aged 11 months - he contracted the disease one month before he was due to be vaccinated. See SWNS story SWBRvaccine. Experts are warning the UK could be facing a ?vaccination timebomb? as more young parents turn to anti-vaccination sites online. Research revealed half of parents ? including 59 per cent of those under 25 - feel the so-called ?anti-vaxx? movement is becoming more influential. A significant 83 per cent of young mums and dads with children aged five and under ? the age when most vaccines are administered ? admit reading anti-jab scare stories, compared to 65 per cent of parents overall. Currently, just over half of parents carry out their own research before deciding whether to vaccinate their child, the study for UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and parenting site ChannelMum.com found. Mum Sophie Dale is campaigning for parents to give their children the MMR jab after her son Levi almost died from measles aged just 11 months. Although initially unsure about vaccinating, she decided to inoculate the tot after carrying out her own research.

He went from a happy child to screaming in pain (Picture: SWNS)

Sophie now advocates for the vaccine, having seen the devastating impacts of measles on her son.

Her fears didn’t delay the date Levi was due to have the vaccine, and he just coincidently caught the disease before his scheduled jab appointment.

Sophie, from Chesham, Buckinghamshire, said: ‘I was a bit nervous when I was deciding to vaccinate Levi.

‘I was in two minds but decided to go for it – then he got ill before he had chance. Seeing him ill, the hardest part was he had always been such a happy little boy.

‘He couldn’t understand why his mum was allowing them to prod and poke him – even though they were saving his life I just wanted to ask them to stop hurting him.

‘Even after what happened to Levi, with my second child, I was still nervous to get her vaccinations done because of the scaremongering, but I knew I had to do it.’

Sophie recommended any other nervous parents to do their research and make an educated decision by asking doctors questions and talking it through.

Levi Dale is treated for measles aged 11 months - he contracted the disease one month before he was due to be vaccinated. See SWNS story SWBRvaccine. Experts are warning the UK could be facing a ?vaccination timebomb? as more young parents turn to anti-vaccination sites online. Research revealed half of parents ? including 59 per cent of those under 25 - feel the so-called ?anti-vaxx? movement is becoming more influential. A significant 83 per cent of young mums and dads with children aged five and under ? the age when most vaccines are administered ? admit reading anti-jab scare stories, compared to 65 per cent of parents overall. Currently, just over half of parents carry out their own research before deciding whether to vaccinate their child, the study for UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and parenting site ChannelMum.com found. Mum Sophie Dale is campaigning for parents to give their children the MMR jab after her son Levi almost died from measles aged just 11 months. Although initially unsure about vaccinating, she decided to inoculate the tot after carrying out her own research.

He developed sepsis as his body fought the virus (Picture: SWNS)

Levi Dale who was nearly killed by measles aged 11 months - he contracted the disease one month before he was due to be vaccinated. See SWNS story SWBRvaccine. Experts are warning the UK could be facing a ?vaccination timebomb? as more young parents turn to anti-vaccination sites online. Research revealed half of parents ? including 59 per cent of those under 25 - feel the so-called ?anti-vaxx? movement is becoming more influential. A significant 83 per cent of young mums and dads with children aged five and under ? the age when most vaccines are administered ? admit reading anti-jab scare stories, compared to 65 per cent of parents overall. Currently, just over half of parents carry out their own research before deciding whether to vaccinate their child, the study for UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and parenting site ChannelMum.com found. Mum Sophie Dale is campaigning for parents to give their children the MMR jab after her son Levi almost died from measles aged just 11 months. Although initially unsure about vaccinating, she decided to inoculate the tot after carrying out her own research.

Levi made a full recovery, and now his mum urges others to get the vaccine (Picture: SWNS)

Research in 1998 wrongly suggested the MMR jab could cause autism – the work was dismissed and the researcher was struck off by the General Medical Council in 2010.

Leading up to his jab, Levi had a high temperature and some residual rash from the measles, but had mainly recovered from the illness.

The day before his first birthday party Sophie got a phone call to say he had taken a turn while she was shopping for his birthday cake ingredients, in November 2018.

She said: ‘I was stood in Sainsbury’s and my mum called me screaming that he was seizing. I rushed home and his temperature was crazy.

‘When we arrived at the hospital a team of what looked like 20 people took him away. It was so scary – I remember thinking ‘this is what you see on 24 Hours in A&E’. I couldn’t watch but I could hear his screams.’

After six days in Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury he was allowed to go home, but had a year of check-ups to test if sepsis had damaged his hearing or vision.

Sophie said: ‘I didn’t realise how serious it was at the time. But I was told the measles had basically destroyed his immune system, and he developed sepsis while fighting it.

‘By the grace of God he is now a-ok but sometimes I look back at the hospital pictures and I can’t believe it.’

She now finds it ‘frustrating’ to see people not vaccinating their babies, because she has seen first-hand how dangerous the conditions can be.

Sophie said: ‘There’s a lot of misinformation out there so I know how hard it is.

‘But after seeing Levi in that way, I could never have forgiven myself if that had been because of a decision I had made.’

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