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Triple whammy of solar storms heading for Earth could turn ‘cannibal’ | Tech News

Eruptions from the Sun can fire solar flares and coronal mass ejections towards Earth (artist’s impression) (Picture: Getty/iStockphoto)

A trio of solar storms are heading for Earth and could hit with a ‘1, 2, 3 punch’ tomorrow, potentially disrupting radio and satellite communications – but also causing some impressive aurora in the night sky.

All three are caused by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), balls of super hot plasma fired into space when solar flares erupt from the Sun’s surface.

But they could also combine to form a ‘cannibal’ CME, sparking an even stronger geomagnetic storm.

The biggest CME, expected to hit around lunchtime tomorrow, was caused by an M-class flare on Wednesday. Solar flares are caused when large loops of plasma on the Sun’s surface ‘snap’ like an elastic band, firing electromagnetic particles into space.

M-Class flares are the second-most powerful kind, and this one was almost strong enough to be classed as an X-class flare, the most powerful.

Two earlier CMEs are also heading towards Earth, but the CME caused by the M-class flare could catch up with the others, engulfing them and creating a cannibal CME that will create an even stronger geomagnetic storm.

Solar flare

‘X-class’ solar flares are the largest, most disruptive of flares (Picture: Reuters)

The phenomenon is rare, requiring two or more CMEs to be travelling along the same trajectory and at specific speeds.

However, even if they hit separately, Earth will still end up feeling a bit battered.

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Writing on Twitter, formerly X, space weather physicist Tamitha Skov said: ‘A direct hit! The impressive #solarstorm launched in the Earth-strike zone has been modelled by Nasa.

‘The storm is predicted to hit Earth by midday December 1. Along with two earlier storms already en route means we have a 1, 2, 3-punch if the magnetic field is oriented correctly.

‘If the magnetic field is oriented correctly, expect #aurora to reach deep into mid-latitudes. Amateur #radio & #GPS reception issues are likely, especially on Earth’s nightside.’

Pictured in the early hours of Friday morning are the northern lights over Stonehenge in Wiltshire. The aurora was very strong with a dazzling light display with light pillars captured. - 24/03/23. Please credit: Nick Bull/pictureexclusive.com Standard reproduction rates apply, contact Paul Jacobs, Picture Exclusive to arrange payment - 07923 866166, pictureexclusive@gmail.com

Weeks of geomagnetic storms led to numerous sightings of the Northern Lights across the UK (Picture: Nick Bull)

The aurora borealis, or Northern Lights, are usually visible only from high latitudes, such as northern Europe and Canada. However, when a powerful solar storm hits they can be seen much further south, meaning if clear skies continue as forecast over the UK, nighttime skygazers could be in for a treat.

CMEs cause aurora by supercharging particles in the magnetosphere when they hit. This sends them rushing up and down the planet’s magnetic field lines between the poles.

Here they collide with oxygen and nitrogen in the upper atmosphere, exciting the atoms that then release visible light of different colours, including green, purple and pink.

Earlier this year, people as far south as Florida in the US spotted the mesmerising phenomenon after a large CME hit – while solar eruptions in March and April resulted in a dazzling display of the Northern Lights across the UK and as far south as the Scilly Isles.

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