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Alicia Navarro: Missing teen yelled ‘I will go back’ before return | US News

Alicia Navarro, 18, turned up at a police station last week after going missing in 2019 (Pictures: Glendale Police Department/FOX 10/Finding Alicia)

Alicia Navarro was heard yelling ‘I will go back’ to the man she was living with a day before handing herself in to police, a neighbour has alleged.

The 18-year-old went missing from Arizona in the US in 2019 when she was just 14, after leaving a note to her family saying she’d run away.

A little over a week ago, on July 23, she walked into a police station in Havre, Colarado, 1,000 miles from where she disappeared, and told officers she’d like to be taken off the missing person’s list so she could get a drivers’ licence.

She explained she wanted to live a normal life.

A neighbour of Alicia, Garret Smith, 22, said he heard her shouting at an unidentified man the day before.

He told the New York Post: ‘I was here the other day and I heard them yelling. She did say, “I will go back.” But that’s all I heard. It was the day before she turned herself in.’

It’s not currently clear exactly how long Alicia had been living at the apartment but Garret believes she and a man in his 20s have been there for around a year.

Arizona teenager Alicia Navarro who vanished four years ago is found ALIVE in Montana Most recent image of her - a few days ago

A picture taken of Alicia at the police station after she reappeared last week (Picture: Glendale Police Department Copyright)

Arizona teenager Alicia Navarro who vanished four years ago is found ALIVE in Montana

Alicia before she went missing (Picture: Facebook/Finding Alicia)

He said he spoke to Alicia for the first time a few days before hearing her shout at the man, when she claimed she was looking for her uncle.

‘She was asking for directions. She looked scared,’ he said.

She told him she was walking with her uncle and had got lost, adding she called him ‘mister’ which he found strange as he didn’t think he was much older than her.

Garret’s girlfriend, Megan Alexander, 23, said the couple watched Alicia go into a ‘random’ house and assumed she’d found someone who could help her.

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Garret Smith Havre, Montana Neighbor of Alicia Navarro The 18-year-old girl who went missing from Arizona in 2019 and re-emerged in Montana this week allegedly fought with the man she was living with and threatened to ?go back? ? just one day before she turned herself in at a police station. Neighbors told The Post they heard a holed-up Alicia Navarro Saturday shouting with an unidentified man inside their apartment building in Havre, a city roughly 40 miles from the Canadian border. ?I was here the other day and I heard them yelling. She did say, ?I will go back.? But that?s all I heard,? neighbor Garrett Smith, 22, told The Post. ?It was the day before she turned herself in.? Navarro sauntered into a local police precinct the following day to request that she be taken off the missing person?s list so she could get a driver?s license and could begin living a ?normal life,? according to authorities. She had been missing since police said she ?willfully left her home? in Glendale, Arizona home in 2019. It?s not clear how long Navarro has been living in the Havre apartment, but Smith said she and a man in his 20s have been residents since he moved in about a year ago. Smith also said he spoke to Navarro for the first time when she claimed she was ?looking for her uncle? near a post office ? only days before she went to the police station. Alicia Navarro Alicia Navarro mysteriously appeared at a Montana police precinct this week, four years after she vanished from her family?s Arizona home. FOX 10 Phoenix ?She was asking for directions. She looked scared,? he said, adding that it was clear she didn?t know her way around the area. ?She said she was walking with her uncle and got lost and she?s looking for 6th Street,? Smith said. ?I later found out that she was referring to him as her uncle.? Smith?s girlfriend, Megan Alexander, 23, said they watched Navarro go into a ?random house? and figured she had found someone who could help her. Navarro called Smith ?mister,? which the 22-year-old man found odd because he noticed she wasn?t very much younger. neighbors Garrett Smith and Megan Alexander, Neighbors Garrett Smith and Megan Alexander overheard Navarro threaten to ?go back? one day before she showed up at a police precinct. Steven Vago He said that the teenager appeared scared, had a ?scratchy voice? and had noticeably insufficient dental hygiene. ?Her braces looked pretty bad. She had braces on when she went missing in Arizona in 2019. It looked like she still had the same braces on,? Smith said. Though the interaction was the first time he ever spoke to the missing girl, Smith estimates he saw her about 30 times while living at the apartment. ?I would see both of them walking out,? he said. ?Quite often. I think I saw them holding hands once when they were leaving.?

Alicia’s neighbour Garret Smith spoke to her on one occasion (Picture: Facebook)

Garret added that although he’d not spoken to her before, he’d seen the pair walking around and thought he noticed them holding hands once.

He described them as very shy, closed-off people.

Garret said he had spoken to the man once, but he started avoiding him after he found out he was originally from Arizona, the same state Alicia vanished from.

On Friday, police revealed a man had been detained and questioned in connection with Alicia’s mysterious case, but it’s not clear if this is the same man she shared the flat with.

Her mum ( pictured ) , Jessica Nu?ez, called the discovery of her daughter four years after her disappearance a miracle in a video she posted to Facebook.Arizona teenager Alicia Navarro who vanished four years ago is found ALIVE in Montana

Alicia’s mum, Jessica Nuñez, has spoken with her daughter but it’s not clear if she plans to go back to her family (Picture: Facebook)

Arizona teenager Alicia Navarro who vanished four years ago is found ALIVE in Montana

Missing posters for Alicia were put up across the state after her disappearance (Picture: Facebook/Finding Alicia)

Alicia ran away from her family home a few days before her 15th birthday, and left a note that said: ‘I ran away. I will be back. I swear. I’m sorry.’

She took her mobile phone, laptop, cosmetics, body spray and a comic book.Search efforts by the FBI and Center for Missing and Exploited Children were later suspended, and it became a cold case.

Since reappearing Alicia has told police she was not held against her will or hurt, and officers have said she won’t face any criminal charges. They are still considering her to be a victim.

The Navarro family’s private investigators, meanwhile, said she spoke briefly to her mother and it wasn’t yet known whether she’d be returning to her family.

Alicia is high functioning autistic, according to her mother, who believes her daughter may have been groomed and lured by a predator she met online.

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