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Cyclists suffer in war on cars, but SUVs are a legitimate target | UK News

These neglected roads are getting out of hand (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

How can we contribute to a greener planet by cycling when the council neglects to fix the roads?

In today’s MetroTalk, a concerned reader shares the hazardous conditions cyclists face due to potholes, pollution, traffic policies that work against them and bad drivers. Slowing down the speed limit simply won’t suffice. Maybe, we’ll take a leaf out of France’s book and declare war on SUVs that cause the holes.

Additionally, our readers are sharing their ideas for ‘free’ hobbies to deter young people away from crime. But, is it really that simple? And, one reader wonders why ‘woke’ has come mean anything daft rather than anything socially and political aware.

Share your thoughts in the comments.

How long does it take to fix a pothole?

I am not surprised triathlete Paul Hughes is suing Staffordshire council after crashing on his bike in a pothole, which hasn’t been fixed 15 months on (Metro, Tue).

We are being encouraged to ditch the car for bikes but the criteria for repairs – which have motor vehicles in mind – remain the same.

And quieter roads – those that cyclists use to avoid cars – are the worst because they get left to last to repair.

Worse still, most traffic policies work against cyclists, despite being driven by dogmatic belief that cars are the enemy.

Triathlete Paul Hughes suffered a broken collarbone, ribs and pelvis in a bike accident after hitting a pothole in October 2022. Release date ? February 5 2024. See SWNS story SWLNcyclist. A former triathlete who suffered multiple injuries after crashing into a pothole on his bike is suing a council after finding out the road still hasn't been fixed - 15 months on. Paul Hughes, 57, broke his collarbone, ribs and pelvis, damaged a lung, fractured his spinal cord and was left with multiple bruises in the horror crash in October 2022. He says he fears somebody will die because of the crater on Sugar Loaf Lane, Stourbridge, West Mids., which is yet to be repaired more than a year later. Paul also told how is still suffering pain from the horrific injuries he sustained and he lost his job as a groundsman as a result of being unable to work as fast.

Triathlete Paul Hughes fears somebody will die due to the same crater that left him with serious injuries after a horror crash in October 2022 (Picture: FBC Manby Bowdler / SWNS)

They give us chicanes, narrowings, full-width speed bumps, green lights for pedestrians at the touch of a button, road closures for minor works etc.

All my near misses and accidents have been caused by poor road conditions or bad driving. Speed was never a factor but we plough on with 20mph limits.

A coherent policy will only be possible once it’s accepted that we need to balance out our various means of transport rather than eradicating cars. Daniel Blamont, London


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Nothing for kids to do today? May I suggest…

A parakeet.

Problem solved? (Picture: Leon Neal/Getty Images)

Mia Jackson (MetroTalk, Tue) says part of the solution to what some
call the UK’s knife epidemic are ‘things for kids and youths to do that are free or cheap’.

I can offer the following: Get fit by walking, jogging or cycling. Flex your mind by reading, doing crosswords, writing a short story, learning public speaking, planning your future and studying. Get an interest such as listening to music, playing chess, painting, sketching, go birdwatching, join a choir or local theatre group.

Help others by becoming a volunteer, clean up your local beach or local park, help an aged neighbour or get involved in community work. This from someone who grew up not knowing what a ‘leisure centre’ was so had to use one’s initiative. Ken Davies, Wirral

The war on SUVs

Big thumbs up for French mayor Anne Hidalgo for declaring war on these ridiculous SUVs.

It’s so unfair that London’s ULEZ prohibits small, slightly older cars but allows these blown-up giants that guzzle fuel and take up more than their fair share of road.

If drivers have enough money to buy one of these, they should pay for it in parking, too. Jeanie, London

Crossing a Flooded Stream

Do you really need an SUV for the school run? (Credits: Getty Images)

As always, the French have got it wrong. I love the sense of power and safety that comes with driving my SUV.

The suspension hardly flinches when travelling over potholes, cyclists or pedestrians. And from an environmental point of view, does it really matter if a couple of penguins die every time the engine revs?

For the added safety of my children on the school run, I am thinking of upgrading to an HGV licence… Andrew, London

French lobby groups are objecting to restrictions on SUVs in Paris (Metro, Tue) declaring it an ‘attack on freedom’ – this presumably being the ‘freedom’ to kill more people than normal cars do. Paul, Leeds

I think AW (MetroTalk, Wed) is missing an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to reasons for increasing cancer rates. Have they not noticed the high levels of obesity in this country? Until we tackle the levels of sugar in processed food, it won’t change. Simon, Leighton Buzzard

Putting a digital face on Big Ben is daft not ‘woke’ (Credits: Getty Images/Tetra images RF)

Putting a digital face on Big Ben is daft not ‘woke’ (Credits: Getty Images/Tetra images RF)

That word doesn’t mean what you think it does…

The ‘war on woke’ has claimed another victim! Norman (MetroTalk, Wed) blames ‘wokeness’ over a nothing story about tourists on TripAdvisor wanting Big Ben to go digital because they can’t read a normal clock face.

Those on the right hope that if they associate the term ‘woke’ to every daft thing, the public will think anything labelled as such is daft by default.

So when we support issues like poverty, we get branded ‘woke’ and considered as daft as those wanting an old clock to be digital. Joe, London

Norman reckons it’s the ‘woke brigade’ that want Big Ben to go digital. It’s the people who can’t read the time on a clock face! Many Gen-Xers have no clue what 20 to three translates to. Naomi, Chelmsford.

Since we can hardly see a doctor anymore, should we now say, ‘An apple a day keeps the chemist away’? T, Glasgow

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