Holocaust denier living secret life in Scotland extradited to France | UK News

A Holocaust denier arrested in a Scottish fishing village after two years on the run has lost an extradition battle.
Vincent Reynouard, 54, from France, was caught in Anstruther, Fife, and was remanded in custody while French authorities launched an extradition bid.
They cited videos where he allegedly denied the existence of gas chambers in concentration camps.
He was arrested in November 2022 on a domestic warrant issued by a French court regarding seven videos made between September 2019 and April 2020.
In one he allegedly described the Nazi atrocities as ‘crude slanders’ and another where he spoke of ‘the Jewish problem’.
Other alleged offences include ‘public trivialisation of a war crime’ and ‘public challenge to the existence of crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War’.
Holocaust denial has been a criminal offence in France since 1990.
Reynouard has been convicted on previous occasions, including being handed prison sentences in November 2020 and January 2021.
Sheriff Christopher Dickson said the YouTube videos were ‘beyond the pale of what is tolerable in our society’ and ruled extradition could go ahead last year.
Reynouard challenged the extradition, but his application for leave to appeal has now been refused.
The Appeal Court written judgement from Lord Carolway states extradition ‘cannot be regarded as disproportionate’ and that ‘any reasonable person’ would be offended by the videos.
He said the criminality involved in sharing offensive videos online was ‘one of relative seriousness judged by Scottish standards’.
The videos were branded ‘grossly offensive’ by the Lord Justice, who said they were ‘patent falsehoods’ and ‘threaten serious disturbance in the community’ despite there being no specific crime against Holocaust denial in Scotland.
The judgement said: ‘The videos were, taken at their highest, racist denials of the existence of the Holocaust and other war crimes.
‘The court has no hesitation in describing the appellant’s treatment of all three matters as grossly offensive. The phenomenon of ‘fake news’, in the context of the internet and social media, is well-known, as are its damaging effects.
‘The denial of the holocaust is a gross insult to the members of the Jewish and other communities whose members perished at Auschwitz and Birkenau. The same applies to those living with the memory of Oradour.
‘It is not necessary to be a member of the relevant communities to be grossly offended by such statements; any reasonable person would be. The other statements by the appellant about the Jewish community are anti-Semitic racism.
‘Although it is not an offence to hold these views and, in certain contexts, to express them, it is a breach of section 127 of the 2007 Act to communicate them to the public on the internet.’
Reynouard’s defence was the videos ‘did not involve a call to arms’, but this was dismissed.
Lord Carloway added: ‘This is the modern world in which posting videos on YouTube or social medial can have a significant practical and enduring consequence relative to the behaviour of others.
‘It is not too difficult, especially in the present climate of tension in several parts of the world, to envisage that a repeated publication of anti-Semitic, or other racist, material could provoke serious disturbance by certain sections of society.’
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