Tesco store given lowest food hygiene rating after ‘customer saw rat’ | UK News

A Tesco megastore received a 0-star food hygiene rating after a customer reported seeing a rat on the premises.
The branch in east London was subsequently found to have mouse activity in a warehouse – including droppings on a shelf holding packaging.
The storage area was ‘not found in clean condition and good repair’ and had a ‘build up’ of waste, according to an inspector who visited the superstore in Highams Park, Chingford.
Although no evidence of rat activity was found, the official was told by the branch that the pests had left droppings which had been removed.
Remedial action taken by staff before the visit also included removing ‘some damaged stock’ in the bread area of the store.
Tesco said yesterday that the issues have been addressed and the retailer has applied for the store to be revisited.
An inspection report reads: ‘Visit made today in response to customer complaint of a rat sighting in the store. Rat activity and proofing (shopfloor) being investigated and action being taken by Rentokil.
‘I did not find additional evidence today (I was advised rat droppings have been found and removed).’
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However, evidence of mouse activity was found during the visit to the store at 405 Larkshall Road on September 6, 2023.
The report states: ‘I found mouse droppings on a shelf holding packaging in the warehouse. Warehouse not found in clean condition and good repair; waste build up throughout, mouse droppings not cleared and shelf not disinfected, damage to walls by cleaner’s room.’
The inspector continues: ‘You must ensure your business is pest proof and that stock is not at risk of contamination from pest activity/faecal matter.’
The store was given the lowest possible mark, meaning urgent improvement necessary, in the environmental health inspection report.
Cllr Khevyn Limbajee, cabinet member for community safety at Waltham Forest Council, said: ‘The council works hard to make sure shoppers are kept safe in Waltham Forest against poor hygiene or pests.
‘We inspect all types of food business, including large chain stores, and we will not hesitate to take action when required.’
Businesses are scored between 0 and five stars in the food hygiene rating system, with the Tesco branch’s rating being live on the Food Standards Agency’s website as of December 19, 2023.
A spokesperson for the retailer said: ‘We are sorry that this store fell below the high standards we set ourselves on the day of the inspection in September.
‘We have addressed the issues raised and have applied for the store to be reinspected.’
MORE : ‘Gnawed bag of popcorn’ discovery at Tesco store triggered hygiene investigation
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