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‘Fairytale’ house with medieval turret for sale in middle of a terraced street | UK News

An unusual historic home with a ‘fairytale’ turret is on the market (Picture: Rettie&Co/BNPS)

A historic home with an unusual ‘fairytale’ turret has gone on the market for offers over £645,000.

Kellie Lodging is in the middle of a row of terraced houses, but stands out thanks to its bold colouring and quirky stone tower.

The Category A Listed six-bedroom property is in Pittenweem, Fife, and dates back more than 400 years.

It was originally built as the town house of the Earls of Kellie, whose main residence was the nearby Kellie Castle.

BNPS.co.uk (01202) 558833. Pic: Rettie&Co/BNPS Pictured: Kellie Lodging. An unusual historic home with a 'fairytale' turret is on the market for offers over ?645,000. Kellie Lodging is in the middle of a row of terraced houses but stands out thanks to its bold colouring and quirky stone tower. The Category A Listed six-bedroom property is in Pittenweem, Fife, and dates back more than 400 years. It was originally built as the town house of the Earls of Kellie, whose main residence was the nearby Kellie Castle.

Kellie Lodging is in the middle of a row of terraced houses but stands out thanks to its bold colouring and quirky stone tower (Picture: Rettie&Co/BNPS)

BNPS.co.uk (01202) 558833. Pic: Rettie&Co/BNPS Pictured: Kellie Lodging. An unusual historic home with a 'fairytale' turret is on the market for offers over ?645,000. Kellie Lodging is in the middle of a row of terraced houses but stands out thanks to its bold colouring and quirky stone tower. The Category A Listed six-bedroom property is in Pittenweem, Fife, and dates back more than 400 years. It was originally built as the town house of the Earls of Kellie, whose main residence was the nearby Kellie Castle.

The Category A Listed six-bedroom property is in Pittenweem, Fife, and dates back more than 400 years (Picture: Rettie&Co/BNPS)

The Castle’s records date back as far as 1150. The ancient building was once owned by the Northumbrian Siward family, who helped the King overthrow Macbeth, before later passing to the Oliphant family through Walter Oliphant, who was married to a daughter of Robert the Bruce.

It stayed in the family for about 250 years and would have been owned by them when this townhouse was built in about 1590.

Some of the original part of Kellie Lodging remains, but much of it was rebuilt 1969-71. It would now benefit from some upgrading and modernisation.

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The property has 2,680 sq ft over four floors with an entrance hall, dining room, kitchen, garden room and a workshop/hobby room on the ground floor, a lounge, three bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor, another three bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor and a turret room at the top.

BNPS.co.uk (01202) 558833. Pic: Rettie&Co/BNPS Pictured: Rear exterior. An unusual historic home with a 'fairytale' turret is on the market for offers over ?645,000. Kellie Lodging is in the middle of a row of terraced houses but stands out thanks to its bold colouring and quirky stone tower. The Category A Listed six-bedroom property is in Pittenweem, Fife, and dates back more than 400 years. It was originally built as the town house of the Earls of Kellie, whose main residence was the nearby Kellie Castle.

It was originally built as the town house of the Earls of Kellie, whose main residence was the nearby Kellie Castle (Picture: Rettie&Co/BNPS)

BNPS.co.uk (01202) 558833. Pic: Rettie&Co/BNPS Pictured: Kitchen. An unusual historic home with a 'fairytale' turret is on the market for offers over ??645,000. Kellie Lodging is in the middle of a row of terraced houses but stands out thanks to its bold colouring and quirky stone tower. The Category A Listed six-bedroom property is in Pittenweem, Fife, and dates back more than 400 years. It was originally built as the town house of the Earls of Kellie, whose main residence was the nearby Kellie Castle.

Pittenweem is a conservation village on Fife sought-after East Neuk coast (Picture: Rettie&Co/BNPS)

Outside it has a large enclosed rear garden and off-road parking.

Pittenweem is a conservation village on Fife sought-after East Neuk coast.

A spokesman for Rettie, who are selling the property, said: ‘Kellie Lodging is a wonderful historic A listed turret house with a beautiful garden.

‘The property was originally the town house of the Earls of Kellie. It has a charming painted façade and a wonderful stone turret, complete with traditional crow steps.

‘A particular feature of the house is the spectacular spiral staircase in the front turret which provides access to all four floors and leads up to a fairytale turret attic room with sea views.

‘With sea views from the upper floors, Kellie Lodging is centrally located in the delightful conservation village of Pittenweem in the heart of Fife’s beautiful and sought after East Neuk coast.

‘Surrounding Pittenweem is an area of outstandingly beautiful Fife countryside comprising a wonderful mix of fertile farmland, woodland, hill, stunning coastline and river.

‘The area offers an array of wildlife and for the outdoor enthusiast provides a wide range of recreational pursuits including riding, cycling, walking, sailing and golf.’

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