‘If Suella becomes the next Tory leader, I’ll definitely vote for her’ | UK News

In today’s MetroTalk, readers are sharing their thoughts on the dismissal of former Home Secretary Suella Braverman.
For some, it’s a decision that couldn’t come soon enough, while for others, her stance was nothing short of commendable. So much so that they’re eagerly anticipating the day she becomes the leader of the Conservatives. I guess we’ll have to see.
Speaking of Tory leaders, let’s pivot to the more unexpected moves in politics: Rishi Sunak’s appointment of David Cameron as Foreign Secretary. What do you make of his comeback to politics?
What do you think about our readers’ letters today?
Share your thoughts in the comments.
‘Suella Braverman’s tweets were dog whistles’
Rarely do I feel relief at the sacking of a government minister. However, the dismissal of Suella Braverman as home secretary yesterday – after she was accused of inflaming tensions before the pro-Palestinian protest on Remembrance Day – is one I welcome.
Her tweets were dog whistles to a section of society.
She tried to bully the police and now she can tweet like mad from the back benches of the House of Commons.
Well done, prime minister Rishi Sunak. Andrew Edwards, Islington
‘Why was Suella Braverman appointed by Rishi Sunak in the first place?’
I’m sure most people will be pleased that Suella Braverman has finally been sacked.
However, the bigger issue is why she was appointed by Rishi Sunak in the first place – and days after resigning under Liz Truss’s premiership for sending an official document from her personal email to a fellow MP, in a serious breach of ministerial rules.
Mrs Braverman has shown throughout her time as home secretary that she is out of her depth and wholly unsuited to what is one of the most important jobs in the country. Good riddance. Frank, Nottingham
The sacked home secretary needs to sack the hate out of her heart. Mohamed Ahmed, London
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‘Suella would get my vote’
Well done, Suella Braverman. Saturday should have been a peaceful day of remembrance for the British people. She was right – there should never have been a protest march allowed on this day.
If Suella becomes the next leader of the Conservative Party, I will definitely vote for them. Andy, Edinburgh
‘Well done Rishi on appointing David Cameron’
Whatever anyone’s views about Rishi Sunak, he has played an absolute blinder.
Not only has he managed to get rid of his outspoken home secretary Suella Braverman, but he has appointed former prime minister David Cameron as foreign secretary and James Cleverly, a safe pair of hands, as home secretary.
Well done, Rishi! Scott, West London
Politics keeps getting crazier. Suella Cruella gone, David Cameron back from the dead as foreign secretary, civil war looming in the Tory party, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer trying to look relevant.
What a shower. Steve, Harrow
Hell hath no fury like a home secretary sacked. Alan, North London
‘We’re staying true to our old school values’
What a brilliant letter from Brian Challis (MetroTalk, Mon), who says he was raised to be respectful of the police, politicians, his elders and his teachers.
Brian goes on to say all of these values have dissolved among a barrage of PC/wokeness/racism/intolerance and downright abuse of our way of life, and that he expects a ‘torrent of abuse’ from MetroTalk readers.
My sentiments exactly, Brian. We aren’t supposed to say anything that may upset the woke brigade. Suella Braverman was right in what she said – she has more about her than all the other politicians put together.
This country is going down the pan. Vicki, Solihull
Brian, I couldn’t agree more with your comments and, yes, I suppose there will be a ‘torrent of abuse’ against them.
However, please stay true to your old-school values just like I and millions of others will – and just hope that one day our country will get back to some form of normality. Matt, London
I would like to assure Brian that I agree 100 per cent with his opinions. Our so-called democratic institutions seem to be more obsessed with appeasing the minority than recognising the needs of the majority. David Tudor, Orpington
‘The minority they’re trying to appease is you’
It’s no surprise that Brian expects a ‘torrent of abuse’ for talking a load of rubbish.
Another who will likely fail to practise what they preach and fail to look in the mirror as they act all high and mighty while trying to shift the blame.
Defending a corrupt government and trying to blame everything on the ‘woke left’ who, if he dared to do a little research, are the ones trying to stop the problems he complains about.
But then I imagine Brian will be quite desperate to ignore the fact that most changes to books and films are usually to pander to the right-leaning crowd, who want pro-LGBTQ+ content hidden away and want songs censored because they dare to be critical of social issues etc.
I imagine he’ll also ignore that in some cases where songs are ‘censored’, it’s a choice from the artist themselves.
At the very least, he’s right about things being altered to ‘appease the minority’ – it’s just that he seems to completely miss that he is part of that minority in this case. Matthew, Birmingham
‘This is why landlords are getting away with discrimination’
I agree with Cece’s comments (MetroTalk, Fri) that landlords discriminating against renting to non-white people is a ‘disgrace’.
They can get away with it because droves of other private and accidental landlords have exited the market due to the government’s venomous cocktail of anti-landlord strategies.
This has caused a dire shortage of rental property, so the remaining landlords have become empowered to cherry-pick their tenants. Robert Hughes, London
‘TfL could make a fortune if with more ticket inspectors at peak times’
I was on a London bus at about 3.30pm on Friday and I could not believe the amount of people that got on through the exit door so as not to use their Oyster cards.
And they got on seemingly unnoticed by the driver because it was crowded.
Transport For London should have inspectors checking during busy periods – it would make a fortune in fines. Anne, London
‘There are less tacky ways to honour the fallen than with red lights’
I read your story about Sean and Jackie North spending £8,000 to turn their home red with thousands of lights to create a Remembrance Day display with incredulity (Metro, Mon).
This display can only be described as tacky.
I’m sure they mean well, but let us remember the fallen without the need for a light display. John Bradley, Surrey
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