‘My homelessness is far from a “lifestyle choice”, Suella’ | UK News

A reader has reached out to share the tough reality of ‘choosing’ homelessness in the wake of the home secretary Suella Braverman’s comments on rough sleeping as a ‘lifestyle choice’, when his circumstances forced them out of their HMO [house in multiple occupation].
Meanwhile, readers are also discussing the lack of support for Armistice Day, the horrific legacy of war past and present, making sense of trade figures after Brexitand suggesting how to solve an increasingly discriminating society.
What do you think about our readers’ letters today?
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‘People who ‘choose’ to live on the streets are vulnerable and have no option.’
Further to home secretary Suella Braverman’s unreal comments about people choosing to be homeless as a ‘lifestyle choice’.
The reason I’m homeless is because the HMO place [house in multiple occupation] I lived at was unsafe due to me being bullied and my room repeatedly being broken into.
Also, I was frogmarched to the cash machine to hand over my benefits by the scum who lived in the same house as me. The landlord wasn’t interested but happy to get my housing benefit plus rent top-up.
If I had gone to the police, that would have opened a can of worms – when you’re on the streets, the last thing you need to be known as is a ‘grass’, life will be made a whole lot worse for you.
So it’s far from a ‘lifestyle choice’, Suella – some people who ‘choose’ to live on the streets are vulnerable and have no option. Foxtrot, Leicester
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As we approach Armistice Day and the remembrances around it, I am saddened to see fewer people wearing poppies and to see pro-Palestine protesters wanting to take advantage of that meaningful moment to gain publicity for their cause.
What has happened to our once dignified nation? It’s fine to have opinions and even to protest but now it’s done at the expense of others and that’s not OK.
I will wear my poppy with more pride than ever and hope nobody says anything adverse to me. For their sake! Kay, London
‘The governments never learn from war’
My dad returned from World War II and married my mum. On their wedding day his best man hanged himself.
On their ‘honeymoon’ another Army friend he went to see gassed himself before my dad got there.
He never spoke about the atrocities of the war or its after-effects to his family.
Governments never learnt from these wars, as we know.
Sometimes it is better to stand back and not voice opinions or become involved. Encourage talk, not engagement. Alex, Hampshire
The government vs the Met Police
As he quite rightly resisted calls to misuse powers available to him in public order laws and ban Saturday’s protest, police commissioner Sir Mark Rowley is to be commended for his restraint in the face of unjustifiable political pressure.
Perhaps equally impressive, however, was prime minister Rishi Sunak’s rare moment of self-awareness when he acknowledged that ‘there remains the risk of those who seek to divide society using this weekend as a platform to do so’ – not least his own home secretary, Suella Braverman, and the deputy chair of the Conservative Party, Lee Anderson. Julian Self, Wolverton
The government needs to steer clear of undermining the police. They are independent for a reason. Paddy Doncaster
‘Brexit isn’t a success — trade may be up 20 per cent but we’re making less’
Paul in London (MetroTalk, Thu) states that exports are up, so Brexit is a success.
That increase is the value of exports not volume. That went up with the cost of components and goods.
I have imported and exported for 25 years and my costs are up about 40-50 per cent since pre-Brexit.
So if things cost more, the value of exports is higher. But that isn’t increased trade or profit.
If I sold something for £100 two years ago and made £40 profit, I could now sell that for £120 and make £15 profit as I’m paying higher costs and customs fees.
Trade may be up 20 per cent but we’re making less. That’s if I still have that order and my customer hasn’t gone to a country with less customs paperwork to deal with. Joe, London
‘White people are still 36% more likely to be rented a room than black people — how do we make it fair?’
In response to the article about renters being 36 percent more likely to get a room if they are white (Metro, Thu).
It’s quite a disgrace, actually, that racism and discrimination is so prevalent.
As subtle as it may come across, it’s worrying – even when you look at AI.
How about giving everyone an equal chance? We need to start with one area – housing, for example – until there is fairness across all sectors.
‘You’d be safer being mugged in a Ulez zone’
Regarding Sam (MetroTalk, Wed) who was mugged outside a police station where security cameras were unable to capture a likeness of the robbers.
Maybe they should ensure it happens in a bus lane or near the Ulez boundary, those cameras are excellent. Wendy Skipper, Chingford
MORE : Rishi Sunak would rather divide communities than do his job
MORE : Rishi clashes with Met chief after pro-Palestine march given green light
MORE : Map reveals London’s road and Tube line closures on Armistice Day – are you affected?
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