Cruise ship hallway floods with water: ‘Literal Titanic experience’ | US News

Passengers aboard a Carnival Cruise ship had a bit of a Titanic-like scare as water flooded into the hallway of staterooms.
There was no iceberg or crash involved, but passengers found water flowing from the ceiling while at sea.
A TikTok user posted a video of a hallway of the Carnival Radiance covered with water as more leaked from the ceiling in the middle of the walkway. A man could be seen looking at the leakage from his room, and several people were down the hall near it.
‘Our room flooded on carnival cruise radiance. Its been 4 hours and no one has come and spoke to us. Im so (angry emoji),’ the TikTok user, Amber, captioned her post.
The clip from the ship, which was near Long Beach, California, earlier this month, has been viewed more than 7million times.
‘I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending,’ commented a user.
Another wrote, ‘*celine dion playing my heart will go on in the background’, referring to the theme song of the 1997 blockbuster film Titanic.
‘The way I thought this was a literal Titanic experience museum or something at first,’ wrote another person.
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In another video, Amber showed the carpet of her stateroom covered with water and some of her belongings soaked.
‘At 2AM we were woken up with water gushing into our room from the ceiling on the carnival radiance,’ she wrote.
‘Security in this video telling me I can’t record.
‘It was absolutely terrifying. Still waiting on corporate to contact us.’
A Carnival Cruise Line spokeswoman told that the flooding was due to ‘a burst water line’ that impacted ‘an area of the ship that accounts for less than 2% of its staterooms’.
‘The ship’s team members cleaned the area and the pipe was fixed,’ said the spokeswoman.
Carnival Radiance debuted in 2000 and had a $200million retrofit and refurbishment in 2020.
It is not the first cruise ship to suffer a plumbing issue. Last year, the floor of the Carnival Vista was flooded and left passengers walking ankle-deep in water.
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