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Woman spots the face of a famous cartoon character hidden in a tree | US News

Can you see the resemblance? (Picture: Jam Press/Rex)

A woman was left shock after finding a Homer Simpson shaped tree.

Maria Cristalli had been out on for a walk when she noticed a familiar face looking back at her that reminded her of the TV favourite.

After taking a second glance she noticed the cartoon character staring back at her.

The moss covered trunk had his signature beard stubble and two beady eyes.

There was also an outline for his nose – all in proportion to form Homer Simpson’s face.

D’oh! (Picture: Jam Press/Maria Cristalli)

Maria, of Seattle, Washington, US, simply declared: ‘Homer Simpson.’

The picture has gathered a lot of attention online, with the majority of people agreeing that they can indeed see the cartoon character hidden within the tree trunk

Ann Warmath Crider said ‘it sure is,’ Sally Walker described the discovery as tree-mendous,’ and others used the opportunity to test their pun skills.

Cassidy Carlile came up with ‘Homer Stumpson,’ while Zoe Kretts’s effort, ‘Grow-more Stumpson,’ is maybe slightly more tedious.

But Jacqueline Garatva summed the situation up nicely with her simple comment: ‘D’oh!’

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