Kent: Mum delivers food to daughter after school bans packed lunches | UK News

A mum often drives food to her daughter’s school at lunchtime so she does not have to eat canteen dinners.
Bean Primary School, in Kent, has banned packed lunches so it can guarantee it will be buying a certain number of meals from its provider.
Fay Armitage, 35, says her four-year-old daughter Bonnie, who is lactose intolerant, regularly comes home with tummy aches because of the new policy.
The mum-of-three used to be able to make sure Bonnie did not consume too much of anything which could upset her stomach by monitoring exactly what she had eaten throughout the day.
But Fay has been unable to do this now that the school kitchen is feeding Bonnie, so she has resorted to driving a packed lunch to the school gates for Bonnie to sit in the car and eat with her.
The school has advised Fay to fill in a special dietary request form so the kitchen knows what they can give Bonnie.
But this is not a solution for Fay, a part-time healthcare assistant, who said: ‘I didn’t say she can’t eat certain foods.
‘I just monitor what she eats and make sure she does not have too much of anything that is going to upset her tummy.
‘If she has had a yoghurt I would know not to give her one later. They just told me they didn’t have enough staff to be able to do that. I think it’s ridiculous, to be honest.
‘I’m in a no-win situation – if I don’t collect her she’s starving, but if I pick her up we have a tantrum when she leaves because she doesn’t want to go back.’
Headteacher Graham Reilly said: ‘There is a lactose-free alternative for affected children. It is not feasible to prepare a written report on everything an individual pupil has eaten.’
But Bonnie’s dietary requirements is just one of Fay’s issues with the new rule as she also believes it is taking away children’s right to choose what they eat.
She said: ‘Bean Primary School is a Unicef Rights Respecting School – this is highlighted on their website where Article 12 states that every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.
‘Yet the school is ignoring the fact that some children would prefer a packed lunch and is forcing them to have a school dinner purely for financial gain.
‘It’s disappointing that the headteacher, Mr Reilly, and the school governors are taking away the rights of the children by refusing to let the younger children have a packed lunch.’
Fay is one of several parents who are upset about the ban, with one unnamed mum saying she is not happy with the food on offer.
She said: ‘It’s not really fair on her that most of the week my daughter is stuck with jacket potato that sometimes isn’t cooked very well and she comes home starving.
‘Not to mention some of the meal options not even an adult would choose. Onion bhaji and chips? What even is that? The children just aren’t getting a variety of food.’
Meanwhile, Lissa Jones is concerned about the overall impact the policy will have on her child.
She said: ‘A decision on packed lunch or school dinners should rest with the parents of a child based on the parent’s knowledge of what a child can and will eat.
‘Being forced to eat school dinners that children do not want to eat, will not eat and being forced to eat can have a detrimental effect.
‘A child could be put off going to school knowing that they will not enjoy the dinners, not eat much and therefore affect their happiness and learning.
‘Of course, encourage children to try new things, but don’t force them.’
But Mr Reilly insisted: ‘The quality of meals is excellent and we have received many compliments from parents and pupils.’
In a letter, the school assured parents that staff were checking children had eaten enough and would ensure more of what they liked was available if not.
It was also stated that if a child was not eating enough a member of staff would let the parent know, but that they might come home with an appetite due to their busy day.
The new rules currently only apply to children in reception and year 1 – age groups covered by the government’s universal infant free school meals policy, which provides funding for hot meals at lunchtime.
This scheme will gradually be rolled out to each new academic year group until it covers the entire school.
Fay said: ‘While I appreciate that the government offers universal infant free school meals, this is an offer and not compulsory.’
Mr Reilly said: ‘The policy was brought in a year ago because of the school’s need to guarantee a certain number of cooked lunches from the provider.
‘There were no issues last year and the policy is being rolled out as each year group progresses, so children who have brought packed lunches in the past can continue to do so until they change schools.
‘The situation is explained to every parent who takes part in the meetings for reception-age children before choosing that school for their child.’
Kent County Council said it was up to individual schools to decide on their own policies, and added there was ‘no obligation’ on them to allow packed lunches.
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