‘If Sadiq is serious about clean air, the underground needs closing’ | UK News

In today’s MetroTalk, readers reveal what their ‘dream’ Britain would look like – less corruption, more police – and why the underground is in desperate need of a good clean up (or even closure.)
Meanwhile, one bird lover has some tongue in cheek advance for one peturbed reader who was upset at some birds being fed nearby, while Ulez is still strongly being debated.
But what do you think about our readers letters today?
Share your thoughts in the comments.
Is it time to clean up the tube?
As the arguments for and against ULEZ continue it is easy to forget the fact that air is ten times more polluted inside London Underground stations than outside. If Mayor Khan is serious about clean air for London the Underground system needs closing down – after all it is used by millions of people on a daily basis, all breathing dirty polluted air.Nick Smith, London
To those of you who were in favour of Ulies: I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful, clean air which we now have in London. Nick, via email
Is Britain actually broken and, if so, how can we fix it?
Martin says that Britain is making his blood boil at the moment (MetroTalk, Thu) because of a lack of common sense. He is absolutely correct. We have an tsunami of knife crime, which is not being properly addressed; an epidemic of shoplifting that’s going from bad to worse; increased truancy and exclusions from schools and a general breakdown of law and order in society.
Even our parliament, the so-called mother of all parliaments, is in a state of disorder and decay. Great Britain, very sadly, is no longer great and the United Kingdom, very sadly, no longer even united. Politicians take note. Al, Charlton
Martin’s plea for people in our country to show a lot more common sense should start with the politicians. It made no sense for Britain to have three prime ministers (Johnson, Truss and Sunak), all within the space of a few months – and it makes even less sense for any of them to think that the Tories have a cat’s chance in hell of winning the next election! Scott. West London
My oh my, the irony of Martin ranting about a general lack of common sense and then demonstrating his own by mentioning the hypothetical entity ‘God’ in the last line… tsk tsk. AG, Orpington
So what have the Tory Party given us? Around 100,000 illegal immigrants in five years; a Euro parliament that hates us; an attempted secret Windrush clearout; at least 16 Covid parties we were not invited to; clapping the NHS; a lockdown that ruined our economy; Tory leaders who destroyed what was left; schools that are in a state of collapse; prisons in a state of collapse; hospitals in a state of collapse; sexual promiscuity scandals; an unresolved Grenfell Towers inquiry; around 21,000 fewer policemen on the beat; an explosion in food banks; ridiculously overpriced food; zero-hours contracts tantamount to slavery; an explosion of sex- trafficking gangs; rising mortgage rates, debt, and poverty; major high street company collapses…
But cheer up, all is not lost: some Tories are billionaires on PPE sales. Things to look forward to in 2024: Goodbye and good riddance. R. Webb, Kent.
I loved Richard’s nice long list of things that he calls ‘heaven’ (MetroTalk, Thu). I would like to add some things to the list: I want to see more police on our cities’ streets; politicians who are honest and not corrupt; people who are more polite and respectful to each other and a society that does not become a ‘cashless’ one. That’s just for starters. Alan Jensen, West Hampstead
The state of politics could be improved if our ruling party did more to help those at greatest need. Your move, Rishi… Beth, London
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Bird lovers aren’t selfish!
An open letter to Gp Capt Christian Royston-Airey. Dear Cap, I read with great sadness your plight over the mean civilians spoiling your lovely military activities by choosing to feed some birds too close to your base (Metro, Thu).
I hope you are not feeling too upset. Good for you by lobbying National England to join you in stopping this outrageous selfish behaviour! Bird-Liker-War-Hater, Tyne & Wear
Climate chaos and cars
Geoff Hall (MetroTalk, Thu) and nearly all motorists are in denial of the true effects of driving their cars. Every journey they make inevitably inflicts pollution, noise, danger and congestion on every community they pass through and, of course, climate chaos on the entire world.
Electric cars, although significantly better, still produce toxic particulate pollution and, until all electricity is 100% renewable, will still cause CO2 to be emitted fromfossil-fuelled power stations.
Climate chaos is heading towards being catastrophic across the world and young family members will have to endure soaring food shortages caused by floods and droughts, mass extinctions of wildlife and massive migration as large parts of the world become uninhabitable. They may then look back on your unashamed, continued car use and ask, ‘So why did he and so many others arrogantly ignore the scientific evidence?’ John Hodges, Camberwell
To the beautiful blonde lady with a blue outfit and eating a mango salad on the 18:57 train from London Paddington to Great Malvern on Thursday the 14th. You were going to Moreton-in-Marsh, and we talked about sports and travel. You are beautiful, fancy a drink?Man In Grey Suit Reading Newspaper Sitting Opposite
n To the tall brunette with blue eyes wearing gardening clothes from my fave part of London: Hi Paul. I completely fancied you from the start of our long conversation about life. Would love to go on a date – would you consider dating me? Soraya, Blonde, Brown Top And Black Jeans
n To the medium-length brown-haired chap wearing chino shorts, white Nike hi-tops and a blue surf T-shirt looking like you had just come straight from the beach to join me on the train from Waterloo to Farnborough, we chatted briefly about I’m not even sure what, and I’m really hopeful that I didn’t come across as terribly uncool, but I was a little bit in awe of you. Would love to continue our conversation sometime. Cocktail? Yellow Summer Dress, Brunette
Email crush@metro.co.uk or text CRUSH, your Rush-Hour Crush, name and where you live to 65700. Standard network charge applies
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