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Which Wilkos stores have already closed as they file for administration? | UK News

Wilko stores face closing after bosses filed for administration (Picture: Getty)

The news that Wilko was facing administration was one that left many bargain-loving Brits dismayed earlier this week – especially as the cost of living crisis continues to stretch budgets. 

The company – which sells everything from skincare to cleaning products, plus a range of goodies from plants to pic’n’mix – has said it plans to appoint administrators, putting about 12,000 jobs at the high street retailer at risk.

There is a chance all 400 plus shops currently open across the country could close for good.

The company is no stranger to having to close locations, as 14 stores were already closed in late 2022 as financial restructuring started before troubles worsened.

Which stores closed?

Which Wilkos stores closed ahead of administration talks?

In 2022, when financial trouble was first on the horizon for the retail giant, Wilkos agreed a deal to borrow £40 million from restructuring specialist Hilco after posting significant losses.

Shoppers outside a Wilko

The popular bargain store sells everything from beauty products to home accessories (Picture: Getty)

Part of this deal meant restructuring had to take place, and this saw 14 stores shut for good.

These were:

  • Bournemouth
  • Stockton
  • The Fort Birmingham
  • Shipley
  • Scunthorpe
  • Narborough Road, Leicester
  • Grantham
  • Redditch
  • Rotherham
  • Skegness
  • Llanelli
  • Merthyr Tydfil
  • Cleethorpes
  • Woolwich.

There are no confirmed closures for any more stores at the time of publishing.

Wilko isn’t alone – the past few years have seen popular shops like Paperchase go bust (Picture: Getty)

Wilko chief executive Mark Jackson has said: ‘While we can confirm we’ve had a significant level of interest, including indicative offers that we believe would meet all our financial criteria to recapitalise the business, at present we don’t today have an offer that provides the necessary liquidity in the time we have available, given the mounting cash pressures we’re faced with.’

‘Unfortunately, with this in mind, today we’re having to take the difficult decision to file a notice of intention.’

‘We continue to believe that our robust turnaround plan, with significant re-stabilisation cost savings in progress, will deliver a profitable Wilko and maximise the significant opportunities that we know exist.’

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