Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump supporters attacked her family horse | US News

Stormy Daniels has claimed her pet horse was ‘attacked’ by Donald Trump supporters as she vowed to give evidence against him in court.
The former adult film star revealed she has been sent death threats ever since she alleged Trump bought her silence over an affair in 2006 – which he denies.
But she claims the threats have become more severe in recent weeks – with even her family and horse Redemption targeted.
She told Good Morning Britain: ‘Someone attacked [my horse] – climbed my fence. Trump supporters.
‘They have gone after friends and family. Luckily, I don’t have people that close to me. I don’t have parents who could lose their jobs. But there are so many people who are intimidated.’
Despite the threats, Ms Daniels insists she will appear in court for a trial scheduled for March 25, 2024.
Trump, who wants to run for president again next year, scowled and threw his hands up as he virtually attended the court session yesterday, perhaps because the date falls during the Republican primary season.
He was formally charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records relating to an alleged $130,000 ‘hush’ payment to Ms Daniels in exchange for her silence.
Ms Daniels said: ‘I have the facts, the evidence – all of these things. And I did it to set an example for my daughter and other young women so that she grows up and says, “My mum wasn’t bullied and the people in power can’t bully you or control you.”
‘And I wanted to set this example because I couldn’t be intimidated.’
But Ms Daniels admitted losing heart, adding Trump could effectively get away with anything.
She added: ‘He released this sudden new statement of mine from 2018 that I said under oath that the affair never happened and that he won the lawsuit against me.
‘Trump has never sued me. I’ve never faced him in court. I sued him. That was a total invention. That was not a sworn affidavit.
‘It’s got typos in it and is signed by a fake name.
‘I don’t feel defeated because I didn’t lose – I spoke my truth. But it was just for nothing. If people don’t want to face facts… I’d rather have had the time back with my family.’
Trump denies having an affair with Ms Daniels as well as any wrongdoing concerning payments, and has called the prosecution a ‘witch hunt’.
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